Tuesday 15 April 2008

AG08 at the reception: people and how they come across

The eLearning Guild's Annual Gathering has started. Yesterday there were a couple of master classes and pre-conference sessions, but I limited myself to taking a swim (enthusiastic: there is a heated, big, outdoor swimming pool, hooray!) and going up to the VIP-reception in the evening.

The nicest encounter of the evening was with Alan Levine (of whom I am going to follow two sessions) he looked very open hearted and filled with warm energy. This was the person who new the most about technology and learning probably. Why? because he was just human, talking about casual things, he did not have to brag about anything. It must be really nice to be that secure. Wonder what I come across like? (less secure, I had my QRcodes around my neck in the hope someone would come up to me to scan me with her/his mobile - nobody did - I still have to learn a lot).

A couple of people I have met f-2-f in the past were there (Silke Fleischer from Adobe Captivate and the great Steve Wexler from the eLearning Guild - yes, a couple is to be taken literaly here). But then I looked around and saw a couple of virtual people there: one from the internettime community: Clark Quinn (who looks exactly like his picture at internettime, which means he looks a bit like a good friend of mine) and who is really friendly.

I also met chief learning officer of the
Fort Hill Company and co-author of the paradigm-changing book Six
Disciplines of breakthrough learning
and Will from the Thalheimer association, they gave a pre-conference research symposium on Measuring eLearning success. They were uptempo and funny, Roy seems to have explored the realm of formal learning, he has several degrees. Because Roy is so well educated I could not help myself to answer his jokingly stated question "so what is the difference between a live and a dead blogger" with a completely serious answer that he took for real, sorry Roy.

(in the vlog below you can see Alan Levine (with beard) shaking his head, Steve Wexler asking if I am videotaping and Will Thalheimer and Roy acting like a comic duo)


  1. hope i can join you on ag09

    following you virtually these comming days


  2. thank you Hiram, I still have the examples that you showed in my mind.

    If you did not do so, look at the call for papers from Online Educa Berlin - that is just the coolest European gathering for eLearners (you can ask Katlijn she has been there a couple of times).

  3. Very cool use of pictures and video (I'm just not that organized). Nice to meet a fellow live blogger live. Good luck with the rest of the conference.
