After getting requests on a summary of what came out of the recent MobiMOOC course, I gladly share this post with you all. This post is all about mLearning resources and what was/is learned during the MobiMOOC that ran from 2nd April - 14 May 2011.
Free MOOC guide for setting up your own MOOC course
In addition to the MobiMOOC resources, I gladly share the third Beta-version of a MOOC guide on how to set up your own MOOC. The guide is written as a wiki, to enable all MOOC'rs to add to it. You can edit the MOOC guide, by requesting to join the wiki. After you have joined the wiki, you will have editing rights and be able to add your ideas.
MobiMOOC resources
MobiMOOC was a course designed following the natural pathways of a MOOC (or Massive Open Online Course).
Ideally I will be embedding all these content and resources into a WikiVersity page soon.
The mobimooc wiki gives an overview of all the topics of each of the six weeks of the course. The topics included an introduction to mLearning (facilitated by me - Inge de Waard), planning mLearning projects (facilited by Judy Brown), mLearning in development regions (facilitated by Niall Winters), leading edge mLearning (facilitated by David Metcalf), global context of mLearning (facilitated by John Traxler) and mLearning in k12 (facilitated by Andy Black).
To enable discussions between the MobiMOOC participants, we used MobiMOOC Google groups. This works like a list server, enabling all of us to stay in touch of all the discussions, simply by looking at Google Groups, or e-mails.
MobiMOOC bookmarks on a wide variety of mLearning topics can be found here. There are over 300 links, and it is advisable to enter additional keywords to filter the MobiMOOC bookmarks :-)
There were many initiatives taken by the MobiMOOC participants, but one in particular might be of interest to all of you as it uses a wonderful (mobile enabled) crowdsourcing software: the MobiMOOC crowdsourcing map built by Sean Abajian (this is where the picture in the post comes from).
If you want to stay in contact with some of us MobiMOOC'rs, a linkedIn group was started as well.