Tuesday 10 July 2018

3 Call for speakers/papers and Digital Learning Innovation Award (10.000$ faculty award!)

Learning Solutions conference organised by the ELearning Guild

Conference dates: 26 - 28 March 2019
deadline call for speakers: 27 July 2018
Submission portal: https://www.elearningguild.com/content/5527/learning-solutions-2019-conference--expo--call-for-proposals-form/ 
Venue: Orlando, Florida, USA

Learning Solutions 2018 is for training and learning professionals focused on the design, development, management, and/or distribution of technology-based learning, performance support, or blended solutions incorporating traditional training. The program supports the entire learning team, so regardless of your specific role, you’ll find the tools, technologies, ideas, strategies, and best practices for success. This event attracts people from around the world who want to keep up with the evolving needs of their learners.

Learning Solutions’ dedication to sharing proven examples in learning could help your team gain a stronger sense of what’s available and how you can put these tools and techniques into practice.
The Learning Solutions program is created by learning professionals. The program team comes from the fields of instructional design, eLearning development, and L&D leadership. They pride themselves on staying current with what matters most.
Experts will discuss the strategies and tools currently working in learning, and how they could impact your organization.
The practical, focused sessions will show you how to solve your team’s challenges and use today’s technology for new possibilities.

Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2019

Conference dates: 14-15 March 2019, San Francisco, USA
Deadline: 15 July 2018

Technically co-sponsored by IEEE
Please consider to submit your papers/posters/demo proposals for the Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2019 to be held from 14-15 March 2019 in San Francisco, United States.

FICC 2019 aims to provide a forum for researchers from both academia and industry to share their latest research contributions and exchange knowledge with the common goal of shaping the future of Information and Communication.
The conference programme will include paper presentations, poster sessions and project demonstrations, along with prominent keynote speakers and industrial workshops.

Important Dates
Paper Submission Due : 15 July 2018
Acceptance Notification : 01 August 2018
Author Registration : 15 August 2018
Camera Ready Submission : 15 September 2018
Conference Dates : 14-15 March 2019

Complete details are available on the conference website : http://saiconference.com/FICC

Online Learning Consortium: Digital Learning Innovation Award (DLIAward) 

The portal is open for submissions until 31 July 2018.

The DLIAward  program recognizes faculty-led teams and institutions for advancing undergraduate student success through the adoption of digital courseware. OLC is calling for submissions from accredited U.S.-based institutions in two categories:
  • Institutional Award – $100,000 (up to three awarded)
  • Faculty-led Team Award – $10,000 (up to 10 awarded)
We ask that only those who are serious about truly being innovative, creative, and dedicated to changing the world of digital learning apply for this award. Missed the information session? You can register to watch the archive.
All applications must be submitted through the online submission portal. Winners will be announced at the OLC Accelerate conference, Nov. 14-16 in Orlando, Florida.
Visit the website for full details regarding the award competition.


Learning Analytics to Promote Inclusion and Success

4-8 March 2019, Tempe, Arizona

Deadline for submissions: 1 October 2018
Visit the conference website for more information and submission details.

The 2019 edition of the international conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge will take place in Tempe, Arizona, USA. LAK19 is organised by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) and hosted by Arizona State University.
We take learning analytics to be the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs. We extend invitations to researchers, practitioners, educators, leaders, administrators, government and industry professionals interested in the field of learning analytics and related disciplines.
LAK19 will place particular emphasis on exploring ways in which institutions around the globe are advancing the state of learning analytics in order to promote inclusion and success. Arizona State University, the host institution for LAK19, proclaims in its charter that ASU is ‘measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed’.  Learning analytics play a significant role at many institutions in helping to promote these values. 
Thus the special theme of this edition of the conference will be on ways in which learning analytics can be used to promote inclusion and success. We define inclusion broadly and this definition may cover the engagement of marginalised groups, groups who have not been as successful as others at achieving educational success, learners who find their current curriculum either too challenging or not sufficiently demanding, or other forms of inclusive inquiry. It may also address issues of accessibility in terms of educational opportunities and learning analytics. Success is also defined broadly and may be viewed from the perspective of learners, educators, institutions or society more broadly.
We welcome theoretical, methodological, empirical and technical contributions to all fields related to learning analytics. Related to our special theme the following topics are of particular interest:
  • Universal design for learning promotes an inclusive approach to the curriculum – how can learning analytics support curriculum design and revision from this perspective?
  • How can analytics be applied in ways that support inclusion and success?
  • How can the training of data scientists be made more inclusive?
  • What does educational success look like, and how can it be supported?
  • How can systematic biases (e.g. related to diversity) in our analytics algorithms be identified, reflected, and possibly avoided?
LAK19 will use a double-blind peer review process for the submissions. It is a LAK policy that submissions will only be considered for the category that they were originally submitted to, and there is no downgrading of papers. However, our timeline allows for rejected papers to be resubmitted in revised form as posters, demos, or individual workshop contributions. Accepted full and short research papers will be included in the ACM proceedings, as in previous years. Other accepted submissions will be published in the open access Companion Proceedings, archived on the SoLAR website.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 GMT-11
Submission deadline for main track categories (Research, Practitioners, Workshops, Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium)1 October 2018
Notification of acceptance for Workshops and Tutorials15 October 2018
Workshop Calls for Participation29 October 2018
Notification of acceptance for Research, Practitioners, Doctoral Consortium19 November 2018
Submission deadline for Posters/Demos and Workshop Papers3 December 2018
Camera-ready papers for ACM Proceedings: Full Research Papers and Short Research Papers17 December 2018
Notification of Acceptance for Posters/Demos and Workshop Papers4 January 2019
Early-bird registration closes8 January 2019
LAK19, Tempe, Arizona4-8 March 2019