The 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning will be held in Beijing, 18 - 21 October 2011. And there is an array of papers you can submit, so no excuse not to do it!
The mLearn 2011 paper submission system is now open - https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=mlearn2011. But do not just run over and submit anything, first get the paper template, it will surely increase the acceptance of your paper if you format it correctly. Download the paper template here . Should you experience any difficulties submitting your paper, please let us know via email: mlearn (at) bnu.edu.cn
All accepted papers will be considered by the Programme Committee for Outstanding Paper Awards (and yes, that is a great honor and it looks good on your resumé). Certificates will be issued to 10 outstanding papers of at least one registered author. There is an opportunity to be invited to deliver the keynote speech at mLearn 2011 as well.
The conference theme is Mobile and Contextual Learning: Culture and Change . It aims to stimulate critical debate on and research into theories, approaches, and applications of mobile and contextual learning; to bring together researchers and practitioners from all over the world to share their knowledge, experience and research in the field of mobile learning; and to create dialogue and networking for knowledge sharing and transfer across the globe.
Submissions are invited for:
• Long papers (8 pages)
• Short papers (3 pages)
• Workshops (2 pages)
• Posters (300 words)
• Panels (500 words)
• Industry showcase &presentation (1-2 page)
• Doctoral Consortium (4 pages)
All submitted papers will be blind reviewed by at least three members of an international panel of research leaders in the area of mobile and contextual learning. Accepted papers of at least one registered author will be published in the printed and the CD versions of the proceedings. The proceedings will also be published via the web for Full Open Access. Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to have their submissions considered for special issues of the SSCI-indexed Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) and the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL).
More details about the reviewing process, the acceptance policy, organizing invited workshops, and submission deadlines can be found at our websites - http://www.mlearn.org/mlearn2011 or http://mlearn.bnu.edu.cn/
If you have any further questions, please contact Prof. Shengquan Yu at mlearn@bnu.edu.cn Tel: +86(0)1058806922, Fax: +86(0)1058800256,
Blog: mLearn2011
Twitter: @mlearn11,
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=154843551225978
School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, China.