Tuesday 25 February 2014

New free #research articles #IRRODL lots of interesting papers

IRRODL has a new issue out, gathering papers from across the globe. Did not have time to read it yet, but I put many papers in my 'to read' folder based on interesting titles and related abstracts. The wonderful bonus of IRRODL is that they deliver each paper in a variety of digital formats and they are OPEN to all.

Copying from the wonderful editorial accompanying this issue and which is written by Dianne Conrad:
Several topics emerged in this issue’s selection of articles. The first, in pieces from Canada, the UK, Korea, and Saudi Arabia, considers aspects of open and distributed learning on culture, learning, and knowledge. E.g. Hamdan from Saudi Arabia approaches her cultural study through the gender lens, considering the impact of ODL on female learners in that country.
A second topic, the increasingly popular open movement, is further explored by Mtebe and Raisamo as they look at African instructors’ use and adoption of OER. And from Katy Jordan comes a wide-ranging study that presents the results of a study that draws together MOOC enrolment and completion data from courses across the major MOOC platforms. 
Thirdly, and not surprisingly in any ODL journal, South African, Balkan, Chinese, and Taiwanese researchers give us the results of their investigations into the use of specific distance learning tools. 
Finally, reflecting our evolving field’s continuing interest in the critical issue of what constitutes effective teaching and learning at a distance, several writers offer their answers to that question from a variety of perspectives. One of the most popular approaches to “what works” over the years has been the measure of student satisfaction. The relationship of satisfaction to learning is, of course, its own topic, also often researched. With examples from Canada, Spain, Russia and China.
So from four continents, multiple researchers using a variety of methods ... this sure makes one perfect mid-week read.  

The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

Vol 15, No 1 (2014)

Table of Contents


Editorial: Volume 15, Number 1HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Dianne Conrad

Research Articles

Post-secondary distance education in a contemporary colonial context: Experiences of students in a rural First Nation in CanadaHTML PDFMP3 EPUB
Jesse Simon, Kevin Burton, Emily Lockhart, Susan O'Donnell
Roles and student identities in online large course forums: Implications for practiceHTML PDF MP3EPUB
Jacqueline Aundree Baxter, Jo Haycock
A cultural-historical activity theory investigation of contradictions in open and distance higher education among alienated adult learners in Korea National Open UniversityHTMLPDF MP3EPUB
K. P. Joo
Benchmarking the habits and behaviours of successful students: A case study of academic-business collaborationHTML PDFMP3 EPUB
Elizabeth Archer, Yuraisha Bianca Chetty, Paul Prinsloo
Multi-country experience in delivering a joint course on software engineering – numerical resultsHTML PDF MP3EPUB
Zoran Budimac, Zoran Putnik, Mirjana Ivanović, Klaus Bothe, Katerina Zdravkova, Boro Jakimovski
An exploratory study of effective online learning: Assessing satisfaction levels of graduate students of mathematics education associated with human and design factors of an online courseHTMLPDFMP3EPUB
Joohi Lee
Initial trends in enrolment and completion of massive open online coursesHTML PDF MP3EPUB
Katy Jordan
A case study of integrating Interwise: Interaction, internet self-efficacy, and satisfaction in synchronous online learning environmentsHTML PDFMP3 EPUB
Yu-Chun Kuo, Andrew E. Walker, Brian R. Belland, Kerstin E. E. Schroder, Yu-Tung Kuo
Student satisfaction with a web-based dissertation course: Findings from an international distance learning master's programme in public healthHTML PDFMP3 EPUB
Roger Harrison, Isla Gemmell, Katie Reed
Design and implementation of a simulation-based learning system for international tradeHTML PDF MP3EPUB
Guo-Heng Luo, Eric Zhi-Feng Liu, Hung-Wei Kuo, Shyan-Ming Yuan
How well do Canadian distance education students understand plagiarism?HTML PDF MP3EPUB
Cheryl Ann Kier
Challenges and instructors’ intention to adopt and use open educational resources in higher education in TanzaniaHTML PDFMP3 EPUB
Joel Samson Mtebe, Roope Raisamo
Introducing a learning management system at a Russian university: Students' and teachers' perceptionsHTML PDFMP3 EPUB
Natalya Emelyanova, Elena Voronina
Rethinking dropout in online higher education: The case of the Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaHTML PDF MP3EPUB
Josep Grau-Valldosera, Julià Minguillón
The reciprocal and correlative relationship between learning culture and online education: A case from Saudi ArabiaHTML PDFMP3 EPUB
Amani K Hamdan

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