Friday, 1 June 2012

Great workshop on building #widgets with ROLE app

The wonderful Ralf Klamma (@klamma) got me onto just the thing I needed for today: building my own widgets workshop! If you plan to be in Portugal or there abouts in mid July, you might want to check out a workshop on creating widgets. The ROLE SDK workshop on widgets will be given during the PLE conference in Alveiro Portugal from 11 - 13 July 2012.

Widgets are great for they can give a content overview in just a minimal space. I love to use them to build what I call course dashboards. One page overviews that cover a diversity of online tools via widgets that show the headlines or titles of what is going on in each of these learning spaces.

In the last year the ROLE project developer team has bundled a set of technologies developed within the project such as learning spaces, local and remote inter-widget communication, tracking and access to learner interaction data, recommendation, etc. into one reference implementation, which is deployed and publicly available as the ROLE Software Development Kit (SDK). 

(straight from the ROLE website)
Responsive Open Learning Environments (ROLE) is a European collaborative project with 16 internationally renowned research groups from 6 EU countries and China. ROLE technology is centred around the concept of Self-regulated learning that creates responsible and thinking learners that are able to plan their learning process, search for the resources independently, learn and then reflect on their learning process and progress.  Given this task, ROLE´s main objective is to support teachers in developing the open personal learning environments for their students where they can train each of the phases mentioned.
ROLE has just entered the fourth project year, where our main endeavour is to test the already operating learning environment and widgets. You are invited to follow us on facebook, twitter, linkedin or youtube.
Examples of our work are showcased on following places:
To give you an idea on how widgets are build, take a look at the presentation that was given during dev8ed in Birmingham.

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