Monday 15 June 2009

#eden09: educational shift in Japan, using ubiquitous learning by Haruo Nishinosono

a collaborative platform for designing ubiquitous learning by Haruo Nishinosono, Institute for Learning Development, Kyoko Saio and Kunio Nakamura , Japan

(Grey haired, glasses wearing man in a beautiful black suite and with a very sensitive way of speaking in which you can feel the grandeur of sensitive Japanese phrasing to highlight critical thoughts. It reminds me very much of my grandparents way (strong Protestant) of touching sensitive issues.)

While he looks at designing ubiquitous learning, quality is mentioned as a key factor:
  • Ubiquitous learning aims to realize a learning process and/or outcomes free from teachersʼcontrol and intervention.
  • Despite such characteristics, ubiquitous learning should be designed to achieve quality learning outcomes and a high level of learning.
  • How can we describe such high quality learning without alluding to instructional objectives?
So he looks at the conversion from a teacher lead instruction to a teacher growing by learning his/her practical experiences, while looking at learners that want to become teachers.

I taped rather a lot because this presentation also gave an overview of how the shift from teacher/student went into more autonomous learning.

The presentation focused on the mentality shift from the more teacher-student oriented approach to more autonomous learning and especially the process Haruo Nishinosono went through as he was trying to make this change happen. So he takes the audience along his ever changing educational approach leading up to where it is now. This feels like a necessary process, as history or the processes behind a result are sometimes forgotten or not archived.

Although the quality of the movie is not optimal, I do hope it adds an extra layer to the slides.

In addition I found slides from a previous presentation, some of the slides are similar, others different with more text, so the combination of both the movie and the other slides, I found complimentary. I hope you do too. Meanwhile I will ask the shown slides as well... I'll keep you informed.

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