This is my first time at EDEN, so really interested in what to expect.
Innovation and Creativity are keywords for me, so I have high expectations for this conference. The last conference that really blew my mind was mLearn08, so hoping for a similar experience.
(Gdansk is an incredibly beautiful city by the way! And the conference venue is a concert hall (see the picture), which fits in with the idea of creativity)
What will I be watching out for? Remarks on new learning methods that result from the new technologies we are using, using technology the way art people do (quite innovative and regularly out of the box), mobile learning that redefines the way we as learners perceive the world.
Remark, although I wanted to copy paste from the proceedings, allowing comments to be put in as the speakers proceeded, there is a very strict copyright on these proceedings. All eLearning conferences would benefit if they gave a bit more slack (in my opinion) and allowed people to redistribute content, by using a Creative Commons License for instance. So sorry, but I will not be able to copy/paste and add extra information, you will have to do with my sometimes chaotic way of writing.
So what is my agenda for this conference and what will I be tweeting/blogging about:
Keynote speeches
"Learning and Creativity in a New Environment" by Anna Valtonen, Aalto Finland and Nokia, Finland
"Beyond Removing Barriers: developing Conditions for Creativity and Innovation" by Claudio Dondi, SCIENTER, Italy
"What must We Invent for Tomorrow? Five Critical Foces that will challenge the US Learning Community (and perhaps yours) to Innovate the Future" by Nicholas H. Allen, University of Maryland, US.
The parallel sessions of today
"The use of a peer-assessment and a reflection report to measure collaborating learning efoorts an interdisciplinary project for studetns of the faculty of teacher training, the faculty of social work and welfare studies, and athe faculty of health care" by Kristof Uvijn, Hogeschool Gent, Belgium (sorry no picture, kristof get your stars out!).
"Online Learning: variations in Groups of parcitipants and tools" by Miri Shonfeld, Ilana Ronen, Kibbutzim College of Educatin Technology and Art, Israƫl (ah, art already in the title!)
Workshop: "Media Zoo Tour: innovation to practice symposium" by Gilly Salmon, Palitha Edirisingha, Sandra Romenska, Matthew Wheeler, university of Leicester, UK
Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a discussion and a range of creative activitites, based on the research and practice of the beyond distance research alliance at the university of leicester UK, addressing two tf the EDEN09 questions:
How to empower innovation within the huge diversity of different learning situations and settings?
How to use existing and emerging technologies to create new value for learning
Using an innovative presentation format the Beyond Distance team will offer the participants transferrable ideas for successful integration of learning technologies into teaching practices in higer education, using examples from their own innovation to practice experience.
this really sounds nice! (I will make small movies to give you some idea of what was going on)
Workshop "New methods and Approaches to the desing and evaluation of open educational resources" by Grainne Conole, Patrick McAndrew, Julliette Culver, Andrew Bbrasher, Simon Cross, Tina Wilson from the Open University of UK.
The workshop will introduce participants to use a range of tools, methods and approaches to designing and evaluating open education resources (OERs). The session will include an overview of the OLnet initiative which is a new global network of support for researchers, users and producers of OERs. Participants will have achance to try out some of the tools that have been developed as part of the OLnet and to discuss relevance and application to their own practice.
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