Friday, 21 December 2007

how the mind works and how it can benefit online courses

How the mind learns about the mind through the internet: by a post in the internettime group and my twitter acount, I learned this today:

Michelle Gallen put me onto a great post on the architecture of the mind. A post from Andy Brice on how the brain works and how a GUI can grab the mind of people. The author makes a great analyses of how memory works and how we can add to the assimilation of ideas.

Ryan Lanham put me on to Deric Bownds' mindblog which is really interesting (Alzheimer runs in my family so anything that sheds a light on keeping the brain in good condition gets my vote).

This immediately links to a book I will read during the holidays: "Made to Stick, why some ideas survive and others die" from Heath and Heath. I hope it will enlighten my mind and give me extra ideas on how to make e-courses more effective with learners.

Which together with the just published and free e-book from the eLearning Guild on eLearning tool tips, will enable me to have a knowledge and fun filled holiday season.


  1. Hi Ignatia:

    Thanks for the link and notice. Great blog! The sun never sets on my Twitter timeline as someone tweeted...Cheers from Cayman Islands and, at the moment, Virginia, USA.

    Ryan Lanham

  2. hi Ryan

    Thanks for stopping by. The Cayman Islands... that sure makes a person dream right before the holidays :-)
