Thursday 24 May 2012

Topic update free #mLearning course #MobiMOOC

If you are interested in mobile learning (mLearning) in a variety of aspects, feel free to join MobiMOOC2012. MobiMOOC2012 is a free, open and online course that will focus on the subject learning with mobile devices in a wide variety of fields. The course will show examples from around the world with facilitators and speakers from different continents. And six of the focus weeks/topics are chosen by YOU.

As the registered participants for the course are growing, most of them have already voted for their preferred course topic. I also got suggestions for topics, these suggestions were added to the list or embedded in existing topics if they had parallels. There are 4 fixed topics: mLearning introduction (with myself as guide-on-the-side), setting up a mLearning curriculum (facilitator Adele Botha, South Africa), planning a mLearning project, impact of learning with mobile devices worldwide (facilitator John Traxler, United Kingdom).

Feel free to vote for your preferred mLearning topics here, so the course reflects what all of us want collaboratively.
Below you will see the favorite topics so far (as soon as the voting stops I will look for great facilitators to be guides-on-the-side for those topics):

The registration is simple: just sign up for the MobiMOOC Google group and you will be informed of any new developments, announcements...

Details of the course:
Date: 8 - 30 September 2012
Course format: open and with emphasis on discussion and knowledge exchange
Cost: free
Location of the course: online, the course uses many social spaces, but there are 2 core spaces the course wiki and the MobiMOOC Google group.
How to register for the course: request membership for the MobiMOOC2012 group here, once you are a member, you are automatically registered for the course. 

Feel free to send this through to anyone you might think has an interest in mLearning.

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