This is the first mail to get the word of mouth going.
The second MobiMOOC will run from 8 – 30 September 2012. The format is slightly changed from the first MobiMOOC: more participation in subject choice, tree architecture, three weeks to cover all, and more closely linked to the Open Educational Resources (OER) idea in that the interactions will become durable (well in as far as technology has a lasting lifespan in this era (-;
MobiMOOC2012 will only have 4 fixed topics: mLearning introduction, mLearning project planning, mLearning in global contexts and mLearning curriculum implementation, the 6 other subjects will be chosen by YOU.
Course name and description: MobiMOOC is a Massive, Open Online Course (MOOC) with a focus on learning with mobile devices (mLearning). The course will look at specific fields where mobile devices can be used and are used to increase learning and training. As the course is a MOOC, the main interaction will be provided by the participants, but guides on the side will be provided for each specific topic (guides on the side = facilitators but who do not preach, yet provide options and insights and learn from all the other participants as well – just like any wonderful expert would do).
Course start: Saturday 8 September 2012.
Course subjects: 4 fixed subjects, 6 topics chosen by all of you. You can choose your preference(s) here. Feel free to choose more than one as the top 6 topics will be part of MobiMOOC2012.
Course fee: the course is free for anyone to join and interact.
What is a MOOC?
A MOOC is a course which is open to all interested people, which is located in the Cloud (online) and where the learning interactions are wide open to all participants (viewable for those who participate and those who just want to read up on a subject). In this case it is a MobiMOOC, a course with focusing on mobile learning topics.
How are the topics chosen and then picked up?
A list of possible subjects are provided and until the end of May anyone can vote on which subject they would like to see covered during MobiMOOC. The top 6 topics will be picked up as being part of the course and subject matter experts will be asked to guide the MobiMOOC participants through that specific topic. Can’t wait to choose your favorite mLearning topics? Get over here and choose your favorites!
What is meant by the (peace) tree architecture?

When will the 6 other topics be known: by June 2012 the topics will be known, but depending on the quest for guides on the side, the facilitator names might be known a bit later.
Will there be a syllabus? A short syllabus will be provided online, but if all goes well, a more in-depth syllabus will also be provided (more news on this later).
Choose the topics now! Via this form.
The topics to choose from in the online form are (alphabetical order):
- Activism: social change with mobile devices
- Ageless: mLearning initiatives of people above 65
- Augmented learning with mobile devices
- Corporate mLearning
- Development: mLearning in development countries (ICT4D or m4D)
- Disabilities: mLearning for people with disabilities
- Games and mLearning
- Gender: empowerment through mLearning
- Global mLearning issues
- Health: mobile devices in health
- Hobby: getting mobile with your private mLearning ideas
- Innovative edge: mLearning innovation at the edge
- k12: mLearning from kindergarten to k12
- Libraries: mLearning in libraries (getting libraries mobile enhanced)
- Museums: mLearning in museums, galleries, art
- Research: the status of mLearning research
- Security: build safe mLearning
- Tools: a collaborative view at mLearning tools, sharing experiences
- Train the trainer: getting teachers to teach mLearning
- Youth: young people and their mobile use – given by -18 facilitator
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