Online learning is happening all around the globe, so why not connect to all the different continents and get a local feel while you are there.
What: HICSS-46 - The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
When: January 7 - 10, 2013,
Where: Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii
Deadline for submissions: 15 June 2012
More information: http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_46/apahome46.htm
Process: double blind review and Conference Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and maintained in the IEEE Digital Library.
How do they describe the event: HICSS-46 offers a unique, highly interactive and professionally challenging environment that attendees find "very helpful -- lots of different perspectives and ideas as a result of discussion." HICSS sessions are comprised primarily of refereed paper presentations; the conference does not host vendor presentations.
The conference operation is funded entirely by registration fees; therefore, HICSS is not able to subsidize registrations or offer reduced fees, nor partial registration. All participants and speakers (or their organizations) are expected to bear the cost of their expenses and registration.
HICSS-46 contains the following tracks, or areas of research concentration. A paper may be submitted to any minitrack in one of these tracks, but not to more than one minitrack.
* Collaboration Systems and Technologies
* Decision Analytics, Mobile Services and Service Science
* Digital Media: Content and Communication
* Information Technology in Healthcare
* Internet and the Digital Economy
* Organizational Systems and Technology
What: ULearn
When: 10 – 12 October 2012
Where: Auckland, New Zealand
Deadline for submissions: 29 April 2012
More information: http://ulearn.core-ed.org/
How do they describe the event: With over 300 workshops to select from, and world renowned keynotes and spotlights to see, hear, and work with—Don’t miss out!
This will be the biggest teaching and learning conference to hit Auckland in 2012. Over 1600 people were at ULearn, at Rotorua, in October last year. It was an event, which, again, received rave reviews for the quality of its programme and its organisation.
This is the perfect opportunity to provide quality professional development for your staff.
What: ICT culture in education
When: 27 – 29 September 2012
Where: New Delhi, India
Deadline for submissions: 15 May 2012 (abstract 350 words)
More information: http://etma-india.in/ictce2012/index.php
How do they describe the event:
Educational Technology and Management Academy (ETMA) announces the International Conference on ICT Culture in Education (ICTCE2012) with the key objective to promote a healthy discourse on the full potential and extent of an ICT integrated education system.
According to International and Indian evidence of research and experiments, ICT can optimally play its role only when it is a part of Institutional Culture. The discourses will be all-inclusive and pervasive on policies and interventions at all levels of education, example:
- ICT literacy and skills for all in the sector of education;
- ICT integrated education; and
- ICT supported educational management
Education system is still to exploit the full potential of ICT for optimizing human learning. ICT culture in education cannot be achieved either by government or the private sector independently. It needs a collective effort of government and civil society. ETMA, has carved out a niche in the country for pioneering innovations, especially in the field of quality in education. Based on ETMA’s research and discussions, it is time to launch the next generation advocacy for ICT Culture in Education- an ICT Culture that will ensure complete integration of ICT in every aspect of educational processes, rather than ‘hanging as a piece of decoration’ in the educational institutions.
What: 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning mLearn 2012 - Mobile Learning in Context
Conference date: 16-18 October 2012
Place: Helsinki, Finland
Deadline for submissions: 30 May 2012
Conference website: www.mlearn.org/mlearn2012
Follow updates at: http://www.facebook.com/mlearn2012
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Mobile learning in and across formal and informal settings
* Ubiquitous and ambient learning and technology
* Theories, models and ethics for mobile and contextual learning
* Open and distance education with mobile devices
* Mobile language learning
* Interaction design and usability for mobile learning
* Interoperability and standards for mobile learning
* Challenges for mobile learning in developing countries
* Mobile learning strategies in schools, higher institutions, industry, and organizations
* Adaptive, virtual or collaborative environments for mobile learning
* Augmented reality for learning
* Innovative approaches to learning of current and emerging mobile technologies
* Toys and smart objects for learning
* Mobile learning across cultures
The conference programme will highlight keynote talks, symposia/workshops, plenary sessions, parallel presentations, roundtables and debates, special Focus Sessions, poster sessions, technology and product/service demonstrations.
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