As your mobile experience and knowledge grows, you might want to publish your findings and experiences, at least I do.
Before listing the mobile magazines that might be interesting to send your manuscript to, consider the ISSN-option.
If you have a blog or website and you are already publishing or want to publish on a regular basis on scientific topics, you might want to ask an ISSN (= International Standard Serial Number). The ISSN is an eight-digit number which identifies periodical publications as such, including electronic serials. The ISSN is linked to a standardized form of the title of the identified serial, known as the "key title", which repeats the title of the publication, qualifying it with additional elements in order to distinguish it from other publications having identical titles. Contrary to other types of publications, the world of serial publications is particularly changeable and complex : the lifetime of a title may be extremely short; many publications may be part of a complex set of relationships, etc. These particularities themselves necessitated the introduction of the ISSN. ISSN are assigned to electronic publications as far as they are serials or other continuing resources. However commercial web sites, personal weblogs and web pages, web pages which contain only links to other URLs are not eligible for ISSN. But if you review certain topics on a regular basis, you might be eligeable for an ISSN (e.g. ICTology http://ictlogy.net/review/ ).
Here is the link for the ISSN overview and request form.
Here are some of the Mobile learning journals or magazines that might be of interest to you. I focused on specialized journals, but of course you can go very open as well and address eLearning journals that I referred to a couple of months ago.
This mobile journal list is not exhaustive, so if you know of any others please add your link.
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL) was launched in 2009. The editor-in-chief is Dr. David Parsons and he is completely enthusiastic in real in-depth scientific papers.
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation (IJMLO)
ISSN (Online): 1746-7268 - ISSN (Print): 1746-725X
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), this is an open access journal (yeah!)
Mobile Information Systems has been around for 6 years.
Have additional ones? Give me a sign if you know any other specifically mLearning journals or magazines.
Other more broad publications to consider:
smartphone and PocketPC magazine:
(Another great cartoon by Nick D Kim, nearingzero.net.)