After virtually connecting to Karyn Romeis from time to time, I now have the opportunity of seeing Karyn in action while addressing one of her topics of expertise. So I am excited.
Karyn Romeis will talk about how can educators keep pace with the changing needs of business.
As educators we must learn the language of the business, so educators can sit around the table and discuss their needs and visions in their words.
How learning must be about getting the learning out there, not about fitting it into the right kind of package (it's about content not the wrapper).
Educators must learn to look at those solutions that people use already.
Look at the obvious tools that already are around (public folders in MS outlook, even ppt) easy stuff that gets the content in an easy way to the learner.
Karyn brings her message across with a lot of flair and inspiration. She got the public thinking and rewarded those who participated with chocolates. It was really a tread to see her in action.