This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone with a clear MOOC idea, but still wondering which platform to use. The EMMA platform supports multiple languages, which includes an automated translation of transcripts of your MOOC content to the other languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Estonian).
The platform uses a wide array of learning analytics and survey tools, peer assignment options and a student toolbox.
20 MOOCs will be selected out of all the proposals that are sent in. To participate (= sending in your MOOC proposal), you only need to provide the usual contact information, a short MOOC description, your community of interested learners (for promotional purposes), and the languages you will use.
Deadline for submitting your proposal: 30 May 2016, although the deadline is close by, the information needed is doable in a short time span. Just do it, this is a great opportunity to have access to a great MOOC provider with multiple language options for free.
More information and the form to fill in if you want to participate can be found here. And quickly sharing some of their information:
What is EMMA?EMMA is a 30-month pilot action supported by the European Commission that provides an innovative system for the delivery of free, open, online courses (MOOCs) in multiple languages.
Hosting for selected MOOCs will be guaranteed for free until May 2017.
Benefits that you can have for free
- Free hosting of your MOOC on the EMMA platform.
- Use of the automated translation system for your videos and lesson texts (8 languages available).
- Use of tools for peer assignment and student toolbox creation.
- Use of learning analytics, tracking and ad hoc survey tools.
- Use of the Blog.
- The support of a professional communication service for student recruitment and institutional visibility.
What is expected from you
- Access to a community of MOOC providers willing to share their know-how and experience.
- Willingness to give feedback on the EMMA experience.
- Willingness to edit automatic transcriptions and translations.
- Willingness to collaborate on EMMA activities.
- Conformity to the EMMA quality standards.
Participate! Submit the Request for participation FORMEMMA evaluation committee will select 20 MOOCs from amongst those submitted within 7 days of the closing date of the selection period according to the following criteria:
- Reputation of the teacher/expert/institution affiliated to a discipline.
- Presence of an active community linked to the teacher/expert/institution.
Only submissions received by the deadline will be considered.
- Number of languages in which the MOOC will be delivered.
Should your proposal be selected, our team will support you in the delivery of your MOOC.