Conference dates: 6 – 9 November 2012
Location: Denver Colorado, USA
More information: http://www.educause.edu/E2012
Deadline for submissions: 21 Februari 2012
The conference program will be organized around IT-related themes and how they are tied to different IT professional domain focus areas. Please be prepared to identify the most prominent theme you would associate with your proposal. You also can select up to two additional themes that are reflected in your proposal. Indicate up to two domain focus areas for which your session will most resonate with representative staff.
Program Themes
• Analytics/Business Intelligence
• Cloud/Hosting/Sourcing/Virtualization
• Consumerization of Technology
• Green/Sustainability
• Leading Edge/Strategic Innovation
• Mobility
• Open and Community Source
• Openness
• Partnerships/Collaborations
• Professional Development/Training
• Risk Management
• Social Media/Networking/Web 2.0 and 3.0
• Strategic Communication, Media and Marketing
• Strategic Value of IT
• Student Success/Learning Outcomes
• Universal Design/Accessibility
Domain Focus Areas
• Enterprise Information Systems and Services
• Infrastructure, Information Security, and Identity Management
• Leadership, Management, and Governance
• Libraries, E-Research, and Digital Content
• Support Strategies and Services
• Teaching and Learning
Alt-C call for papers
Conference dates: 11 – 13 September 2012
Location: University of Manchester, United Kingdom
More information: http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc2012
Deadline for submissions: 27 Februari 2012
Alt-C welcomes submissions of two broad types:
1. An abstract of up to 450 words describing either a Short Paper (20 minutes), Short Presentation (10 minutes), Symposium (60 minutes), Workshop (60 minutes), Demonstration (30 minutes), or a Hybrid (60 minutes). All abstracts will appear in the online Conference Abstracts Handbook.
2. A full Proceedings Paper of up to 5000 words, for publication in the peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings of ALT-C 2012, together with a 450 word 'long abstract' (which will appear in the online Conference Abstracts Handbook), and a 200 word standard abstract.
The time, effort and money that learners invest in their education need to be matched by commensurate learning experiences, improved use of technology in learning, and effective methods of delivery, all underpinned by sustainable business models. Here are three of the hard questions that we face, both as institutions and as individuals, each centred on the development of knowledge about technology in learning:
• How can learning technology better support the core processes of learning, teaching, assessment, recruitment and retention?
• What will be the place of open educational resources and other kinds of free, shared, low cost or informal support and organisation in good provision?
• How should we respond to learners themselves, who are increasingly voluble in their desire for value for money and for effective use of technology?
EDEN Annual Conference
Deadline for submissions: 10 February 2012
Conference dates: 6 - 9 June
Location: Porto, Portugal, Europe.
More information: http://www.eden-online.org/
The EDEN Annual Conference will approach the key questions of learning methodology and technology focusing on the 'Open learning generations', the contexts of socially significant target groups: junior and senior e-learners. We will explore their learning cultures, technology use patterns and discuss new approaches in the schools, universities, lifelong - informal - adult learning settings that respond to them.
The 2012 European Year of Active Ageing and the Solidarity Between Generations serves as framework for raising awareness, generating innovative approaches and disseminating good practice.
• Open learning for and amongst diverse generations
• Innovative pedagogical models have been significant in empowering learners and their communities as co-producers in networked lifelong learning. The spread of educational resources as digital content which accommodate different learning pathways, widening participation and shared learning experience between generations will contribute to closing the technology gap.
• Online and Social
The 2012 EDEN Annual Conference will be supported and accompanied intensively by social networking, online and virtual presence and involvement possibilities. That will be implemented through the EDEN Members Portal: the NAP area on the web.
Call for Contributions
We invite all interested professionals to take part and discover the conference themes by submitting their experience.
There will be opportunities for submitting and presenting papers, workshops, posters and demonstrations. At the Porto conference, virtual presentations, as a new form will be introduced. The conference allows openness in choosing the topics and in applying interactive formats and ways of presentations.
To learn more about the scope of the event and consult the themes, please visit the respective conference pages.
For details visit the Conference web-site and the Call for Contributions links.
Paper Submissions - 10 February, 2012
Registration Open - Mid February
Notification of Authors - 31 March
Conference: 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning mLearn 2012 - Mobile Learning in Context
Conference date: 16-18 October 2012
Place: Helsinki, Finland
Deadline for submissions: 30 May 2012
Conference website: www.mlearn.org/mlearn2012
Follow updates at: http://www.facebook.com/mlearn2012
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Mobile learning in and across formal and informal settings
* Ubiquitous and ambient learning and technology
* Theories, models and ethics for mobile and contextual learning
* Open and distance education with mobile devices
* Mobile language learning
* Interaction design and usability for mobile learning
* Interoperability and standards for mobile learning
* Challenges for mobile learning in developing countries
* Mobile learning strategies in schools, higher institutions, industry, and organizations
* Adaptive, virtual or collaborative environments for mobile learning
* Augmented reality for learning
* Innovative approaches to learning of current and emerging mobile technologies
* Toys and smart objects for learning
* Mobile learning across cultures
The conference programme will highlight keynote talks, symposia/workshops, plenary sessions, parallel presentations, roundtables and debates, special Focus Sessions, poster sessions, technology and product/service demonstrations.
Call for proposals for dissertation grants from the American Educational Research Association (20.000 $ for one year project)
Deadline: 1 March 2012
More information: http://www.aera.net/grantsprogram/res_training/diss_grants/DGFly.html
Short description
AERA invites education-related dissertation proposals using NCES, NSF, and other federal data bases. Dissertation Grants are available for advanced doctoral students and are intended to support the student while writing the doctoral dissertation. Applications are encouraged from a variety of disciplines, such as but not limited to, education, sociology, economics, psychology, demography, statistics, and psychometrics.
The Governing Board for the AERA Grants Program has established the following four strands of emphasis for proposals. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals that:
• develop or benefit from new quantitative measures or methodological approaches for addressing education issues
• incorporate subject matter expertise, especially when studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) learning
• analyze TIMSS, PISA, or other international data resources
• include the integration and analysis of more than one data set
Fully-funded PhD Studentship in ‘Design-based Research for Open Inquiry Learning’
Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET)
Based in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
circulation date : 10/01/2012
closing date : 24/02/2012
More information: http://www3.open.ac.uk/employment/job-details.asp?id=6069
With an international reputation for research, a supportive environment and excellent research facilities, CREET offers unique opportunities for postgraduate research to study the theory, application and practice of Education, Technology Enhanced Learning, and Languages and Literacies. The studentship will be associated with its Institute for Educational Technology.
Applications are invited for a fully-funded studentship in the field of design-based research for Open Inquiry Learning. This is associated with the recent appointment of Professor Mike Sharples to a Chair in Educational Technology.
For direct entry to the PhD you should have, or expect to gain, a recognised Research Masters qualification in Educational Technology or a related area. For entry to the MRes you should have a 2.1 degree or above in a relevant subject area
The Open University provides excellent support and offers training in computer, library and presentation skills. Students normally live within commuting distance of Milton Keynes.
Closing date: 24 February 2012. Interviews start April / May 2012. Equal Opportunity is University Policy.
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