Vol. 9, No. 4 of the MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT at http://jolt.merlot.org/currentissue.html ) has been published and is available online. The contents of the issue are listed below. In this issue you will find 12 articles concerned with various aspects of online learning and teaching.
It is a nice set of articles, embracing social media for online learning, gender-based barriers for men in online nursing (nice twist), student preference for asynchronous content delivery ...
The one article that immediately caught my attention - because it is related to my own research - was the paper by Rowe and Rafferty on self-regulated learning (SRL), and especially how instructors and learning designers might tweak their online courses in order to enhance or support self-regulated learning. The authors also share an instrument they used for SRL (nice).
From the abstract of the paper:
"Theories and models about self-regulated learning are important to educators attempting to understand why some learners succeed and others have difficulty in academic settings. Understanding self-regulation in e-learning environments is critical because there is much agreement in the literature that e-learning requires a higher degree of self-regulation than face-to-face learning. Furthermore, empirical studies of the effects of self-regulated learning intervention on learning outcomes of students in elearning environments indicate that support for self-regulated learning fosters significantly higher academic outcomes. In this paper, the authors will focus on: (1) what educators should know about the different types of self-regulated learning interventions that have been studied; and (2) how educators might apply self-regulated learning interventions to the design of e-learning environments in order to support self-regulated learning processes."
JOLT is a nice journal, so for those interested in getting the new issues in their mailbox, you can subscribe online here: http://grapevine.merlot.org/joltnews/joltlistserv.php?action=add .)
CONTENTS – Vol. 9, No. 4
Research Papers
A Longitudinal Comparison of Course Delivery Modes of an Introductory Information Systems Course and the Subsequent Information Systems Course
Kathleen Burns, Mary "Mimi" Duncan, Donald C. Sweeney II, Jeremy W. North, and William A. Ellegood
Kathleen Burns, Mary "Mimi" Duncan, Donald C. Sweeney II, Jeremy W. North, and William A. Ellegood
453 – 467
Students' Perceptions of Social Presence: Rhetorical and Relational Goals Across Three Mediated Instructional Designs
Brandi N. Frisby, Anthony M. Limperos, Rachael A. Record, Edward P. Downs, and Sarah E. Kercsmar
Brandi N. Frisby, Anthony M. Limperos, Rachael A. Record, Edward P. Downs, and Sarah E. Kercsmar
468 – 480
Perceptions of Gender-Based Barriers for Men in an Online Nursing Completion Program Compared to Traditional On-Campus Nursing Programs
John R. Kirk, Chad E. O’Lynn, and Michael K. Ponton
John R. Kirk, Chad E. O’Lynn, and Michael K. Ponton
481 – 488
Listening to the Learner: Graduate Teacher Education Students' Preferences for Asynchronous Content Delivery
Douglas W. Smith
Douglas W. Smith
489 - 499
Teaching Social Studies Online: An Exemplar for Examining the Broader Implications of Online Methods Courses in Teacher Education
Christina M. Tschida and Brian Sevier
Christina M. Tschida and Brian Sevier
500 – 514
Foreign Language Learners' Use and Perception of Online Dictionaries: A Survey Study
Li Jin and Elizabeth Deifell
Li Jin and Elizabeth Deifell
515 - 533
It Can Be Taught: Explorations into Teaching the Foundations for Multicultural Effectiveness
Randall E. Osborne, Paul Kriese, and John M. Davis
Randall E. Osborne, Paul Kriese, and John M. Davis
534 - 533
Case Studies
Changing the Conversation: Facebook as a Venue for Online Class Discussion in Higher Education
Mike Kent
Mike Kent
546 - 565
Integrating Social Media in an Online Graduate Youth Development Course
Kimberly Allen and Dede Nelson
Kimberly Allen and Dede Nelson
566 - 574
Incorporating the Experiential Learning Cycle into Online Classes
Undrahbuyan Baasanjav
Undrahbuyan Baasanjav
575 - 589
Position Paper
Instructional Design Interventions for Supporting Self-Regulated Learning: Enhancing Academic Outcomes in Postsecondary E-Learning Environments
Frances A. Rowe and Jennifer A. Rafferty
Frances A. Rowe and Jennifer A. Rafferty
590 - 601
Digital Critical Dialogue: A Process for Implementing Transformative Discussion Practices within Online Courses in Higher Education
Jason T. Hilton
Jason T. Hilton
602 - 601