Friday 30 July 2010

Metaweb, the web of entities bringing us closer to Web3.0

While the concept of Web3.0 is gaining voices, the actor Metaweb, one of the pioneers in the field of organizing the Web in a more semantic sort of way has just joined Google.

This is quite thrilling news, for Metaweb goes beyond simple tagging and the ever growing problem of how tags are related to the thing they are describing. To get a clear idea, simply watch this very simple and clear movie:

If you are interested, you can join the freebase community that is part of Metaweb. Through Freebase users can add content to the open database, creating entities. Although I signed up as a member, the registering process had a glitch in Firefox at first, I could access it through Internet Explorer. When I tried a bit later, Firefox was working ok as well for accessing Freebase.

There is not much on education yet, so I made myself part of that group and started looking around. If Metaweb keeps growing, Google might be nearing the semantic web, very curious on how it will work out. At the moment it is very USA oriented, but it might catch on globally as Google has encapsulated them. Anyway it is an interesting idea.