These are some of the recent books that have appeared on mobile learning:
free eBooks on mLearning
# 2009: Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training, edited by Mohamed Ally, published at AU press.
# 2009: New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education from the University of Wollongong includes faculty development, specific discipline examples and design principles. This is available as a free PDF download.
A nice free open eBook on mLearning build at Graz University of Technology in Austria.
mLearning books to buy:
# 2009: Mobile Learning Communities: Creating New Educational Futures by Patrick Danaher, Beverley Moriarty, Geoff Danaher, a Routledge publication covering communities, along with other topics such as globalization, lifelong learning, multiliteracies, and sustainability; concluding with creating new educational futures.
# 2009: Researching Mobile Learning: Frameworks, Tools and Research Designs from Peter Lang Publishing Group, which sets out the issues and requirements for mobile learning research and presents efforts to specify appropriate theoretical frameworks, research methods and tools.
A definite must read: # 2005: Mobile Learning: A Handbook For Educators and Trainers by Agnes Kukulska-Hulme and John Traxler.
#2009 A more expensive book, yet worth a buy if you have a budget: Innovative Mobile Learning: Techniques and Technologies by Hokyoung Ryu and David Parsons containing 414 pages.
# 2008: Handbook on Mobile communication studies by James E. Katz.
Some mobile Reports:
# 2009: The Horizon report by Educause, It makes predictions about the emerging technologies that are likely to have a significant impact on education.
# 2007: Bachmair, B. (2007) 'M-learning and media use in everyday life'. In Pachler, N. (ed) Mobile learning: towards a research agenda. WLE Centre Occasional Papers in Work-based Learning 1, London: WLE Centre, pp. 105-152. Available at http://www.wlecentre.ac.uk/cms/files/occasionalpapers/mobilelearning_pachler2007.pdf
An overview of the books can be found in the tag books from my blog.
Just a suggestion to all you academic publishers, make all your mobile books available for eBook readers please. It is a bit like walking the talk, look at the Uni of Graz.
If you know any other mobile books, feel free to suggest them, thanks!
(Cartoon by Nick D Kim, nearingzero.net.)