Monday, 18 February 2008

making this blog mobile ... in 5 seconds

My blog was not fit for mobile use, but now... The last couple of weeks I wanted to redesign my blog into a nice mobile accessible blog. So I thought I would just put in some CSS and make it W3C compatible and here, a method I mentioned in a previous blog post. The only problem was, that I just did not get around to it.

But then the ever ingenious Willem Karsenberg got my attention with a post on MoFuse. MoFuse promises to get your blog mobile in 5 seconds. I took them at their word and indeed it goes swift. MoFuse just asks a new member to join in for free basic features. After that you need to give in the RSS (of your blog) and off you go. There are also some extra features: comment widget (but if you check this, the mobile surfers need to click on one additional link before accessing your mobile blog), a redirect which will look if the surfer is watching from a mobile and thus redirects the surfer immediately to the mobile site (but in Blogger is isn't possible yet, at this moment it is limited to php-driven blogs), some design features (colors), a visitor counter and you can add an additional page or RSS.
For more features you can get an upgrade (payed).

All in all a very nice software to get your blog mobile in an instant.
Check out my mobile URL:

I immediately turned to my mobile and surfed to the site and it looks nice. The images are resized but clear, the download size for the main webpage was only 5 kb! And the layout stays very beautiful. Yes, I really like this! But one little surprise, as I wanted to open my comments through mofuse, I got an advertisement for 'Mowser' also a software to get your website mobile. But when I looked at another page with comments, it worked just fine.

An URL that gives you instant mobile access to the Web is Phonifier. This is more like an pre-mobile stop that strips the site(s) you want to visit from images and lay-out, leaving you nothing but text (images are an option).


  1. THANK YOU :-) this is a great measure until I have the chance to sort out trying to code my blog separately. This is my attempt


  2. Thanks Ignatia, that will be useful
